Tapes, Information & Tangible Services
The Tapes, Information & Tangible Services (TITS) Department was created in Mid-2023 to provide audio record-keeping for the Centex Trunked Radio System Network Operations team. Anyone can email TITS to receive an audio file with a recording from CT OPS (1F4) talkgroup. TITS is recording 24/7 and does not miss a call. All TITS data is stored for 6 months
TITS can be contacted at (737) 290-0259 x102 or tits@centrunk.net
Each request must be formatted as below, otherwise TITS will reject the request. All TITS requests are processed within 48 hours.
This is a TITS request for the Date of (date) from (start time)-(end time)
I can be reached at (phone number) and (email)
Thank you,